Monday, March 30, 2020

The Road Trip to Miami

This is by NO MEANS the full adventure, it started 5 months before this, but that's in a different blog entry! This is just the actual trip! I'm writing this almost 8 months after, but The Wife had a road diary for me to reference. These are my memories!

We had the party at Golden Gardens on Tuesday July 9th 2019.

So from there,

July 10th - Seattle To Boise we made stops at Cle Elum and Pendleton, OR 504 miles total. What I remember was packing up the last few things in our trailer and in the Subaru Outback (my Toyota we shipped a week or two prior). Tina and I were whisper fighting the WHOLE MORNING. I don't remember what it was, but I'm sure it had to do with our differences in packing style. She wants everything in a particular order so we can get it out, I want it in their tied down so it won't fly around when I take a corner. The Wife's tears in the FB picture, while mostly about having to leave this place, were started by that fight. LAME.

So we stopped for lunch and got into the HAWTNESS of summer away from the west coast, and off to Boise. I think Pendleton we just stopped for gas and potty and a quick snack. We got to my cousins house around 6 pm and he fed us and we had some fun talking about parenting and our family and making fun of each other. Good times!

11th - Boise to Salt Lake. So my cousin had a Purple mattress for my uncle and now that's what we have, so that's cool. But his dog is an abused Basset Hound and SO ANNOYING. I get it Johnny, a neurotic breed with emotional issues but for crying out loud STOP SCRATCHING AT THE DOOR. My cousins daughter was in Spain and she left some nasty mess in her bedroom/bathroom, but that's kinda' what we expect from teens right? HA!

Stops at Malad Gorge, Twin Falls, ID, Tremonton, UT, Willard Bay State Park, Eagle Mountain, UT total of 376 miles.

So Malad Gorge was an opportunity stop. From the road you could barely see it, and if you were walking or came across it on a horse 100 years ago it would've snuck up on you there too! Yikes! It was AMAZING! It was huge and steep and scary. If you found yourself stuck in the bottom of that, oh boy you could've been screwed! I seem to remember some old west criminals did exactly that and ended up dying of starvation. Willard Bay State park we stopped to go swimming and I remember being surprised at how many people in a mostly Mormon region had surgical enhancements. I also remember taking in the mountains as much as possible because they weren't the mountains I was used to, and there was a good chance I wouldn't be seeing mountains again for a few years. Sad Dad! We stayed at a friend of Tina's, they were GREAT. They made tacos and explained how much the region had changed in the last couple years. Exponential growth, which kinda' surprised me about Salt Lake City. Why?? She said it was just because it was so expensive in California, but there's gotta' be something else?

We came up with a name for the prayer plant the 4th time I had to get him out of the trailer. He's now known as "Jack." (If I forget later, he did live and is thriving in Miami). We also drove through a surprise thunder storm and saw a small twister off the side of the freeway. WOAAAHH....

Sam and Noelle had a BLAST playing with their kids and the pictures we got from their housing development are beautiful, even my poor photograph skills couldn't screw up that scenery.

12th - Salt Lake City to Arches National Park with stops at Price and Moab, UT total of 213 miles. Arches National Park was as beautiful as everyone says. The hike to the main arches is about 3 miles. It was 103 F. Tina said no, and I said "the kids they can do it, I'll carry 3 gallons of water and we'll take all the time we need!!" I REALLY wanted to go! But a Park Ranger heard me. She said, "that's a great idea Dad, and how you should do it if you needed to, but I agree with your wife that that's not safe for a 'fun' part of your day." We went to the Arches viewpoint... which was still gorgreous!

We got dinner at a pizza place with local beers and looked kinda' fancy, this was in Moab, and we had the place to ourselves (at that time). After dinner we went to our campground and did our process. The Wife tried for a while to back the trailer up into the spot (I'm super glad she's not a helpless Daisy princess) and couldn't quite get it, and I got in and did it on the first try and gave her a hard time relentlessly for the next hour! Karma came and got me in Panama City though, I'll tell that story when I get there... Camping was great, we have a family camping process and we all just kinda' DID it. Kids helped a little and then went and ran around. Wife and I sat and had a few drinks by our fire. So. Nice. But, it WAS sleeping on the ground.

13th - Moab, UT to Espanola, NM stops in Monticell, UT, Durango, CO, and Challa, NM. This was the drive to The Wife's brother. He's a literal rocket scientist. Neat! His house was a TOTAL bachelor pad, he taught us to make Oppenheimer martini's, we played Cards Against Humanity and told us all about his finishing his PhD (yes, the younger brother beat his older sister to the PhD!). Oh, had to come back to write this one... The roads in CO were super great. The roads in NM were NOT. Pay your taxes dear reader.

14th - Break day in New Mexico. We visited White Rock Overlook Park and watched the Rio Grande flow by and then we visited a Pueblo Native cliff dwelling archaeological site/park. We visited Los Alamos, the town that sprang up for all the WWII nuclear researchers. It was all pictures and stories of young people. During the middle of the war. The "we could die at any time, so let's party like it's the end of the world" vibe was STRONG. I suspect there was a LOT of booze and debauchery when that town started! After those three stops, with lunch in Los Alamos, we decided to take a break from being inside a car and spent the day at the bachelor pad having more martini's!

15th - Time to get back on the road, we went from Espanola, NM to Big Springs, TX with stops at Clines Corners NM (one of my new favorite pictures is The Wife and kids in the trailer eating lunch here), our hard copy map showed Roswell, NM on the way for one of our optional routes, we were moving at a pretty good clip and since alien conspiracies aren't a thing for us, and google said it would only add 15 minutes to the drive we went to Roswell! It was pretty neat! We made a stop in Brownfield, TX for gas and snacks and then got to Big Spring, TX. Big Spring smelled very clearly of refinery. It permeated the blankets in our hotel it was so bad. When the hotel staff saw that we were a family and not big Texas roughnecks, or business men, they treated us fairly poorly. We were supposed to have a non-smoking room and it smelled so bad that all of us were coughing almost immediately. They said they didn't have a room and The Wife said "ok kids, let's get back in the car and head to the next town" and they magically friggin' found a room. Jerkwads. When we got up in the morning, a F350 flat bed truck parked about 6 inches from the front of our Subaru. I got a VERY distinct feeling it was just for the sole purpose of irritating some liberal <OFFENSIVE SLUR> passing through in their Subaru. I was tempted to slash their tires, but The Wife convinced me that we should just get the hell out of that shit hole country, er town. I totally meant town. ANYWAY. A whole lot more straight roads to San Antonio.

16th - Big Spring, TX to San Antonio, TX. We stopped at a BBQ place that was owned by a friend of a friend. I was ready for some amazing Texas BBQ. It was underwhelming. I kinda' got the feeling that Texas BBQ when it's IN Texas is given a huge pass because it's "authentic" because it's actually in TX. In my humble opinion, I wasn't impressed, but we made a connection for a friend. Then we got to The Wife's BFF's house!

17th - Break day at The Wife's childhood best friends house in San Antonio. BFF had to work so we went to Sea World! I was excited to see the Sea World Beach Band that entertained me when I was a college music major. No beach band =( LAME. The elder of my children freaked out at real life roller coasters and didn't go on ONE damn ride. I was thankful for my annual military pass that I didn't pay for entry. I swear I would've forced that kids arse onto a roller coaster (no I wouldn't have, but I can definitely tell you we will not pay for another amusement park!). The younger of my children went on a couple of the little kiddo rides with The Wife, and we saw a couple animal shows. I know Sea World has gotten some bad press the past few years because of keeping wild animals in captivity, but I got the vibe that they were doing the best they could FOR the animals. The Orca amphitheater was closed and empty.

When we got back, the BFF gave me a little bit of a hard time for leaving a burner on on her stove. WHOOPS.

18th - Back to it! San Antonio to Lafayette, LA. This side of Texas was REALLY AGGRESSIVE on the freeways. We have a Subaru Outback and it's towing a trailer. We know damn well it's more than that car was meant to do, that's why we're going 60 in the right lane. Calm down Texas. The Wife tried to keep up and I think we caught air with the trailer in Houston, the roads are bad here too. All that oil money and all those millions of miles of road and that's the best you can do Texas?? Anyway, I'm glad we got to see some friends, but Texas can eat it. 416 miles for the day. Hello Louisiana!

19th - In Lafayette, LA we stayed in a hotel again and it was MUCH nicer, I used some of the hotel points I got from my stay during my Army training from the spring! Neat! It didn't stink, and you know, if the schools weren't so bad in Louisiana, there could have been a chance we could land there, but no. So we made it to Pensacola, FL stopped in Covington, LA and Mobile, AL for gas and the Florida welcome center for our Sunpass (toll road account). 306 Miles total and I'm absolutely POSITIVE The Wife caught air leaving LA.

20th - Pensacola to Panama City, FL. We stayed with a friend of my Dad's in Pensacola. Got a first hand account of Hurricane Michael and he took us out in his boat. SO. COOL. We saw Dolphins and massive hurricane destruction. Short day, but that's just damn skippy. Drove through a HUGE rainstorm. So remember in Utah when I gave The Wife a hard time for having trouble backing up the trailer? Yeah, my Dad's friend is a car guy and he has a boat (those often go on trailers) and I told him he couldn't watch me back it up or I'd screw it up, he said "hand me your keys" and had it done in like 3 seconds... Karma for Deadcat42!

21st - Nearing the end. We left Panama City to Davenport. Driving is getting old, kids are finally starting to fight. Almost there. We stayed in a KOA and it was RAD. We made an instant pot soup that was tasty (not a restaurant meal) and there was a playground and a TV in our cabin. It wasn't a long day, but man it FELT long.

22nd - Davenport to Miami. We took our time getting up and enjoyed the KOA, it was the Last Day, we planned for it to be only a couple hundred miles, and our stuff got there too. The Toyota was being delivered in a couple days so we started unpacking and getting settled in until the school year starts.

Since Seattle ended so late and Miami Dade county starts so early I had like 5 weeks and it was all JAM PACKED with moving and stress. Now it's just getting the kids enrolled, finding things for them to do, not getting lost or hit by Miami drivers, getting Tina set up and me finding a job and then a new unit to transfer to.

No biggie!

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Hello again dear reader! So last time we chatted I was a part-time teacher and the STAHD. That was neat! I remember that time fondly... So here's what's happened since then. Get ready for this crazy ride! Whew! Lost of exclamation points!

In June 2016 I found a full time middle school teaching gig for the 17-18 year, so I finished the school year and on the LAST DAY I got into a bike accident and broke my collarbone. HOLY SHITSNACKS IT HURT SO BAD. Even now in 2020 my shoulder will cramp up and if I'm wrestling with my kiddos and they bump the metal plate in my collarbone it's like I get shut off <USER ERROR>. But that's not all that happened during the best summer of my life (sarcasm) I managed to go to my reserve unit annual training in Hawaii, and then when we got back we (my wife and kids) went to Chicago for a family vacay. It was fun, besides the constant pain in my neck/back/shoulder/collar. But whatevs! So while doing all this travelling I managed to pick up Campylobacter. I'm sure there's lots of information on that fun little bug online but my experience with Mr. Lobacter was the 2 weeks before my new school year in a new building started was spent on the toilet and now I can't eat a ton of stuff that I LOVE. Garlic, onions, mushrooms, most pitted fruits, a lot of green veggies. If that sounds like the Irritable Bowel Syndrome diet, well, it is. The campylobacter killed a lot of my gut flora and fauna and now I have IBS. I hate it. I drank orange juice once and about DIED. YUCK!

Ok, so I'm at my middle school and then I happen to find a community band to conduct. OH. MY. GAWD. It was so much fun!!! They were such GREAT people! I also got accepted in my military career to be a warrant officer and work in logistics! WOW. SO MUCH HAPPENING. So 2018-2019 I'm now a reserve Warrant officer, middle school teacher with band and orchestra and ukulele (which was SO COOL!), a community band conductor so I got to start doing all my favorite band hits with a group of people that could play it, a Dad with two great kids, and I coached my son's baseball team!

What's that you say? What was the wife doing?? Oh. Well... One year she was at her dream high school choir teacher gig, then she got displaced to a middle school, then she got chased off of that job by a HUGELY toxic principal, then she taught community college and a little bug bit her... Then this last year I'm talking about 2018, her and I and our kids were for the first last and only time, all working in the same school district. Yay! She was teaching elementary general music. We were all on the same schedule and we had 2 full time incomes for the first time EVAR. WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!! Let's pay some BILLS! Let's raise kids and let's retire! What's that you say? Oh, right... I mentioned a bug. Well... yeah. About that. All this money making and stability and money making just wasn't cool with the wife. Yeah, she applied for a PhD program. The professors at this particular institution were ECSTATIC about what she was bringing to the table and she not only got a full ride, but she gets a stipend. They're going to PAY her to get her PhD at a pretty doggone decent music school. Aw shit. Also, that bill paying thing? Selling our house in Seattle (I loved that house) pays off all our debt. All of it. Student loans, cars, credit, everything. Shit.

So from February 2018 to now, as our Pandemic is ramping up (which I'll write about later because of all the free time I have for the moment), we: Came to Miami for the interview and got accepted, made the decision to move 3314 miles with 2 kids, I told all my people that I was super happy with (and they were happy with me!) that we were leaving, I got the last 3 months of the school year covered (And got my long term sub a job when he was done with my school kiddos), I did my 10 week Warrant officer Basic Course, we put our house up for sale, after WOBC I did my normal 2 week annual training (first AT not in a band!), we packed up our house (that had been on the market for 6 weeks by this point), and we moved to Miami, FL. I'll write a separate blog post about the trip, because I want to put the trip into my words, it was actually a fun road trip!

When we got here our now rental house was almost finished being cleaned and fixed. But not quite. This caused some unnecessary stress, but it's fine now (After 8 months or so of cleaning and fixing things). So now we're in Miami! We got the kids enrolled in school, and the wife settled in at her new fancy PhD program, we transferred my GI Bill and she started getting her stipend. What do I do now? How are we going to pay for all this??? OH I HAVE TO GET A JOB. Luckily, Miami-Dade County has a ridiculous shortage of teachers. Mostly because teaching in Florida is just stupid. Right to work my ass... but let's not get off topic now Deadcat42... I found the open schools, wrote some cover letters, and walked into the buildings with a cover letter and a resume and if the principal was available, I talked directly with them! I got offered a couple gigs this way, but ended up teaching band and orchestra at a high school .6 miles from the beaches that are on TV! WOAH. I mean, the school is a hawt mess, I'm the 5th band teacher in 5 years. They guys prior to me all lived a couple hours drive and they just could NOT sustain their commute, completely understandable! I have kids in the wrong classes, I don't have appropriate music, nobody remembers what a good band/orchestra is supposed to do, and the kids are used to slackin'. Not their fault, and they're coming around really fast, but it was a challenge to start, that's for sure!

So here it is. In the last 16 months we've both COMPLETELY changed our careers (two careers for me!), moved the furthest you could in the continental US, and started up in Miami, Florida. Since we've been here, we prepped for hurricane Dorian, taken students to their first concerts/festivals in YEARS, sold our Seattle house and are now debt free, and we've set up our routines with our family in a new and QUITE different culture and environment. We're all learning a TON.

Now a pandemic?! Wow. Uhm. Ok life. Thank you? I mean, considering all that's happened recently, this is the first time we've all had a chance to stop and take the time to emotionally and mentally recover from all these drastic changes, but did we have to do it THIS way?

Anyway... I miss my Seattle peeps, my family, my mountains.  I hope you're doing well reader.


I wrote this in 2015.

You know my dear reader... I forgot I even had a blog (kinda'... It was way back there in the back of my head). I'm glad I found it again! I've had some stuff on my mind and maybe this can help me process it.

For the last 7 years, since my oldest child was born, I've been the primary breadwinner for my family. I taught high school, then I was active duty military (active guard reserve in Oregon). Over time in my AGR position I started wanting to get back into teaching, I think I was emotionally recovering from my first few teaching jobs. Some pretty rough things happened! Anyway, the chance to move out of my AGR position without too much impact came, and this past year we uprooted the whole fam damily and moved from whence we came back in 2003.

We took some risks and moved here without gainful employment. It's not that we didn't try, obviously moving to a new city with kids, but without employment is a bad idea, it's that my teaching certificate wasn't active or current so no one wanted to hire me, and in my wife's case, it's because she was applying for the jobs she REALLY wanted. We both figured that there was such a HUGE shortage of teachers and subs that we could at least sub, or get the late August elementary itinerant jobs, either way, we'd be able to pay rent and eat. So we moved!

The day we signed our lease in our apartment, literally as the landlord was here with us signing papers, Tina got her dream job. Well... she got called for an interview and it was a "we can't tell you to stop applying for other jobs, but you're the only person we're interviewing for this position" type of phone call, so... yeah, there ya' go. Anyway, point is, she got a full time teaching position. Which meant that I was going to be the primary parent. I had been thinking about switching that role with my wife for this move because I would often get frustrated at the way she did things at home. It's nothing big, it's just not the way I'd do it, and blah blah blah enter standard married couple complaint here. You ever read that kids book "Goofy Minds the House?" It's like that! Bottom line is that I thought I could do it better. So, neat! I'm a stay-at-home-Dad! STAHD! Weee!! Then I got a part-time job teaching band! So back into teaching only part time and then STAHD! Weee?

We're going into a couple years in on this little STAHD project and there are some things I was expecting and some things that I wasn't. Some things I was expecting: I do 80% of the housework. Laundry, dishes, cooking, basic chores. My wife is pretty good at seeing when I'm pretty sick of something in particular and getting on top of it for a few days, but I do the majority of the stuff. I have had the time to learn some cool cooking techniques, fermenting, making sourdough, doing some more beer brewing, figuring out the Kamato pot (big green egg is the company that makes 'em now) my Grandpa gave to me for barbecueing or smoking, and hopefully figuring out how to make cheese soon. I was able to do almost ALL of the paperwork for buying our house, and I've been Johnny on the Spot for almost all of the "emergencies" (in quotes because they're minor "I forgot the eggs at the store" type emergencies) that have come up in the course of having a young family.  I have done fairly well with all these things.

Some things I did not expect. The time my wife threw her being the primary breadwinner in my face. We were arguing about something, I don't remember what and it doesn't really matter, but she said something along the lines of "well since I make the money now..." Oh? Ok then. I don't recall ME ever saying anything that offensive and asshole-ish in the 7 years I was paying the bills? I also did not expect that comment to hurt for as long as it did. Am I being a shitbag?! Should I quit teaching (again) and find another job (again) and make money?!

These are my questions!!??


This happened in 2016. I was very angry when I wrote it.

Hello again dear reader! I had an interaction with people last night and I'm angry frustrated and confused.

First, a little about me... I'm a reservist. I'm a good Soldier. When ordered to jump, I say "How high Sir?" I'm a good Dad, I cook the meals and entertain the kids and pay the bills. I've tried to be a good husband, I did my two years as a STAHD, I've taken the heat when finances get too hot, I've done the chores when the wife needs a break. I'm a good teacher, I meet kids where they are, I strive to be inclusive not exclusive (which is a problem in my subject area) I work my butt off for the kids (student kids, not my kids). What I'm getting at is that I try my damnedest to be a good guy. I'm a pleaser type personality. I like helping people and I like making people smile and/or laugh, and I like making the world a better place.

But I have one HUGE problem.

I'm a white man. 

When I meet someone, it assumed immediately that I am a dude-bro Chad-tastic racist ass douche nozzle that is clearly hitting on, stalking, roofying, molesting, raping, and getting away with it.

I started to notice this when my kids were little and I was active duty. I was in uniform a lot. Guys in uniform are typically seen as safe (at least here in the U.S., I imagine that uniform means something quite different on another continent... but that's not what we're discussing right now) for whatever reason, and if I smiled at another person, male or female, they smiled back. If I made a comment on the weather, they talked back. It was nice and polite. I also noticed this when I had my kiddos with me (mine, not the students). Other women, young and old, looked at me and smiled, or they talked to me (usually first!) about the weather or when their kids were young. Nobody judged my parenting, nobody critiqued me, nobody said anything about how great it was to see a father with his kids without Mommy around. Other Dad's and I would exchange the "struggle is real" glances, but never really say anything because of man rules, other non-Dad men would usually smile, but I could guess they were smiling at the fact that it was me and not them. Which is fine, I WANTED to have kids! If they don't want kids then for cryin' out loud DON'T.

So back to the point here... I started to notice that when I was not in uniform or when I was alone and I would smile or make polite small talk with people, their reactions were significantly different. I definitely got accustomed to polite interactions and it was very jarring to get the "why are you hitting on me old man" response. Or the "you and your privilege" response. I get it. I absolutely acknowledge my white male privilege. I was just trying to be polite. My bad.

So I stopped.

I stopped making polite small talk. I stopped offering polite assistance. I stopped being my pleaser attitude self, I stopped working so hard, I stopped making the coffee for my wife, I stopped doing my share of the chores, I stopped cracking jokes, I stopped hugging my daughter.

Last night my wife and I were on a parents night out. We stopped at a Target to use the bathroom and out of minor guilt, we were buying something. My wife was the purchaser and I stood a respectful subordinate 3-4 feet behind her while she was checking out. The cashier looked at me accusatorially, "Who the fuck are you white boy?" I politely responded "I'm with her,"  and my wife confirmed. The cashier and my wife then proceeded to joke about the cashiers hand being on the stalker button and how we all just gotta' make sure that I'm not a stalker and thanks for getting my back. They were having a good ole' time.



I already mentioned that I firmly acknowledge white privilege. Read my blog posts from years ago. I've been in the abused child jail time track. But I had the opportunity to get out of it. Many people of color don't have that chance. I have tried most of my life to help lift others up. But I'm white. The general response is that I am incapable of understanding the plight of others. I assure you I do. I have proven it again and again to different groups of people. But guys. I'm getting old. I'm tired of proving it to more people. I'm tired of being treated like a chad-tastic-dude-bro-whatever-I-said-earlier and then not being able to stand up for myself. If I stand up for myself, like I did with my wife later in the evening, I'm being "overly sensitive, I ruined the night, it wasn't intended like that, why did you stand their awkward and make her think you were a stalker."

Seriously?! Isn't that victim blaming? I mean I hate claiming to be a victim here because I'm not a victim, but pretty sure that's what you would call victim blaming... Or am I mansplaining that?

I'm trying to be better for the world people... I know you are angry at white men. I'm angry at white men too! Or orange depending on your perspective... I will take as much of your anger as I can, but I'm not that guy, and I'm reaching my capacity.

When I assumed things about people in my youth, I got corrected and berated for it and I fixed my behaviors. Can you be the change you force on me? Can you be a good person first rather than assuming I'm a stalker?

Monday, May 15, 2017

Blogging (again?)

I forgot I had this thing. This blog. I recently started keeping a bullet journal as a sort of daily history and in the process I lost the doggone book. In one of my Facebook memories the link for my blog came up. I wonder if between keeping a blog and a bullet diary (if I can ever find the damn book I wrote in!) if I can maintain some sort of personal journal type thing?

Anyway, I'm reading some of the stuff I wrote back in 2012 and remembering those emotions and then recalling all of the things that have happened and things that I've done since then. I am just a normal dude, but we've been werkin' hard up in here (me and my family that is) and there's so much I still want to do.

I left active duty military, transferred to the Army reserves, moved back home (where I'm weird now because I'm FROM where I live, but I don't already have the set group of people I've been hangin' with since I was 4 because I left for 12 years so people I meet are always surprised that I don't act like a Seattleite and I actually talk to them), I got back into teaching, we bought a house, we're putting roots back into the place where we came from. I'm coaching baseball, I'm taking care of my grandparents and my uncle, I'm there for my parents. Lots of stuff goin' on!

But when I blog instead of journal, what do I write about? Politics?! I'm definitely under-qualified for that, but I still have some very strong opinions that I am encouraged NOT to share considering my military career. Religion? I started that blog several times and what it boils down to is that writing about that crap is just not worth my time. Seriously. I suggest some Richard Dawkins. He has a lot of good things to say on religion. I hear complaints about how mean he is, but have you seen peer reviews in science? They're ALL that savage! How about parenting?! Now there we go! I have two kids that are (so far) not sociopaths! My wife and I were discussing the other night how there's all this crap about how Mom's are Mothering poorly and Dad's could give two shits about someone suggesting how to parent better. I could absolutely write some sarcastic Daddin' stuff! Do like Cosmo/GQ articles for Dads. Oh man that would be funny! I bet someone's already done it!! I wonder if I need to read GQ articles to get a feel for that writing style... Good Bob I hope not. I couldn't read that blathering drivel (or... shit...).

I suppose I could write about the things I still want to do, go to more protests, act more locally in our political system, change my military career to warrant, I wonder if I could find a deployment that way? I sure as hell didn't find one as a bandsmen. What else do I want to do?

I guess I'll just mindbarf for now!

Deadcat42 Out.


The Defense of Marriage Act. Marriage (or civil union) rights for Gay people. No brainer to me. But I always get the feeling that people don't know where I stand... Really?!?! So. Let's chit chat... First off, what prompted this? Well a friend of mine who I respect greatly said something about cynical people supporting the DOMA cause, but not thinking that changing their profile will do anything. I'm that person. I'm the cynical one that believes changing a profile pic is about as useful as a trailer hitch on a geo metro... But I also feel like I've probably said some things that I meant to be funny that were probably highly offensive and maybe I owe it to him to support the cause publicly. I know I've said stupid crap in the past...

Quick story... In college a very close friend of mine once heard me make a pretty offensive gay joke. Unbeknownst to me, she was exploring that option in her life. My stupid joke hurt her. She later confronted me about my immature and hurtful commentary. I was embarrassed and hurt that she didn't share that part of her life with me before I stuck my foot in my mouth. She made a big deal later on out of introducing me to her girlfriend. A really big deal. When I finally did meet my friends girlfriend, what I met was an awkward young lady who knew her sexuality, but didn't know who she was yet. She was the first outwardly Gay person I had (knowingly) met. My reaction was along the lines of "Oh. Why was that such a big deal?" I tell this story because my lesson in meeting my first openly gay person was that she was just a normal person. She had insecurities and whatnot just like everyone else. She wasn't more enlightened, she wasn't smarter (that I know of), and she wasn't a better or worse human being because she wasn't attracted to the opposite sex.

Anyway, I've grown more since college (duh) and I've said some stupid homophobic sounding stuff since then as well. I feel like I ought to clarify my stance...

 I'm a white, blonde (at least when I had hair I was), male that grew up in a poor household with neglectful parents (see the post I made in February 2012) in a pretty classless part of the world and in college I could be lumped in with the fraternity crowd (I was in a frat, but participated about as little as I could get away with, I didn't even live there!). Today I'm in the military and I'm surrounded by people whose talents generally do not lie in the realm of thinking. So now I'm tied to an organization whose people GENERALLY don't like Gay men and women (my unit in particular is not that way at all, but I only work with them around 16 hours a month, unfortunately for me...). People in this organization often make some pretty horrible jokes at the expense of Gay people.

Everything about who I am, where I'm from, and what I currently do screams "homophobe" it seems like...

That could not be more wrong.

I don't really respond or involve myself much to these discussions about civil rights for Gay people for the simple reason that I think it will happen. If it doesn't happen now, we'll have more national shame to deal with in future generations (we're really stackin' up the shameful behavior these days!), but it will happen. When I was a college kid my thought was "Of course! Why WOULDN'T Gay people get the same rights as everyone else?!" Even as a 35 year old man, I still naively wonder why this is still a discussion??

I still believe it's a no brianer. Gay people will get equal rights. Why wouldn't they? Seriously! Why wouldn't they? Because some religious nutjobs can't read/follow their own rulebook? Psh. Even with their ridiculous news entertainment tv station spouting their hate, it will happen.

I support the Defense of Marriage Act and the right of Gay people to join in the same loving harmony that I enjoy with my wife. It seems dumb not to. Of course everyone deserves to have a relationship that they are happy in and have it recognized by society.

(written in 2013, but I found it and posted it in 2017)

Friday, December 14, 2012

gun control?

So I've seen a lot of people posting things on the Facebook machine about the recent shootings. I have too much to say about what I think and how I feel for a mere status post. So once again, I'll put off writing the three posts I have saved and waiting for completion to write this one.

First off, I would like to address the "it's to soon, we need to grieve before we make a political statement about this." Are you kidding me?!?! One of these shootings happened less than two miles from me!!!! HELL NO I AIN'T WAITING AGAIN!!! Suck it up whiny face! YOU didn't have anyone die, YOU don't have anything to grieve (except maybe your broken society, and yes, there's a lot to be grieving for there) YOU need to part of this conversation and hopefully a solution. We need to deal with it NOW when the pain is fresh, waiting only lets us forget. Again, and again and again and again (and again, and again, and again, and again, remember you only hear about this when it's in sleepy white suburbs, it happens DAILY in urban schools. I've been around hostile fire more as a teacher than I ever have or will as a Soldier in the U.S. Army).

How many more people need to die before you are ready to face this problem?

Two: What exactly is "Gun Control?" And why is that a problem? I have the unique perspective of being in the Army and of being responsible for weapons from time to time. The Army has EXTREME forms of control in Garrison (that means not at war or training in the field). It would be silly for me to tell them to you and put myself at risk, but you can easily find the Army Physical Security Regulations and see what they do to control their armaments. Why is it a problem to expect civilians to do the same? It simply means controlling your weapons. Maintain positive control of your weapon at ALL TIMES. The recent shooting down the street from me, the kid stole the AR-15 from a friend who did not take that seriously and 3 people are dead because of it. How is it infringing on your rights to expect you to get control of the instruments of death that you feel the need to hoard? The Zombie apocalypse is a joke if you didn't know.

Third: I often hear this "if more people are armed, maybe this stuff wouldn't happen, we don't need less weapons we need MORE." This is called escalation of force. We went through this once, it was called the Cold War. Thank Bob we didn't actually have anything happen!! But really, it's a ridiculous and idiotic stance. First off, 98% of people who are packing a concealed weapon are gonna' piss their pants when a gunfight breaks out in a bank (read this: Second of all, their most likely not going to make the right decisions and their going to shoot someone innocent (don't believe me? It's called friendly fire and/or collateral damage, it happens all the time, but the military doesn't advertise that...) instead of the hostile person doing the shooting. Third, these shootings are happening mostly in schools. Students are not allowed to carry firearms in schools. DUH. I've actually heard people suggest teachers start carrying. I was a teacher once. That's the LAST thing that we should do. The single most asinine suggestion I've heard as a solution to school shootings. That won't make anyone feel safe. Ever.

Ultimately, saying "I have more guns than you, and mine are bigger" will not solve the problem. I wish we were able to grade on social skills in primary grades because you silly people suggesting more weapons as a solution would have (and should have anyway) failed kindergarten! That doesn't solve any problems dumbass! That makes a stupid problem bigger!! Most gang fight shoot outs involving 14-16 year old's involve "he said she said" situations. If I may be a sarcastic jerk for a second... TOTALLY worth dying a painful death from a sucking chest wound. TOTALLY. 

Fourth: Many of the "Gun Enthusiasts" who get all up in arms (pun VERY intended) about Gun Control have no reason except their enthusiasm for having these weapons. No you don't need a semi automatic rifle for home protection. In close quarters (like a home invasion) you want a pistol anyway. Rifles are for hunting (or sniping, like the Washington DC shooter a few years ago... Remember that?  Again, your concealed weapon is friggin' useless against that). Gun control is about controlling something that is intended to cause death. Why are you fighting against that? Gun Control does not mean you're not going to get your hobby of collecting instruments of death, you sicko, it means that someone is keeping track of the weapons. Not YOU for my conspiracy theorist friends, the weapons. Like you say, guns don't kill people, but if you hang your Barret Sniper rifle above your mantle because it's cool and the emo kid who's been bullied since he was 8 sees it sitting out there in the open.... You don't have positive control of your weapon do you?

Fifth: I alluded to this in the previous paragraph, but some have said "we need to have people better trained." The kid who shot up the mall down the street here in Oregon only killed two people because his rifle jammed and he didn't know how to clear it. Me and the former Marine who was carpooling with me that day made some morbid jokes about anyone with any military training would "SPORTS" that bad boy and "charlie mike" (means "CM," or "continue mission"). Don't know what I mean by SPORTS? Good! The DC shooter a few years back had training. Your concealed weapon that you think is going to keep you safe would be useless against anyone with any modicum of training and an M16 (or AR-15, or ANY rifle for that matter). I know that if I went off the deep end and was going to do a public suicide like that, I wouldn't charge into a place and start flailing around like an idiot. But then again, I'm mentally sound and while my childhood was tumultuous, I had support that gave me opportunities to move past it.

And there it is... The solution. I had support to get past whatever preteen drama I had to live through. While I "mindbarfed" this little blog post learned that I do support gun control, (no I didn't know that for sure before I started writing!) and conservatives are right that the issue is that the problem is NOT the weapons, it's the people. With that said, I had to get a "Secret" security clearance to do what I do. It was quite the process. Why is it problem to expect that it be more difficult and more rigorous of a process for a civilian to get bigger and faster guns that they don't need and want because it's "cool?" Ultimately, guns were not meant to be a hobby and your "right" doesn't guarantee your gun collecting hobby, it guarantees that you don't have to listen to a foreign invader or a rogue Government (hmm... rogue... where've I heard that before...?). Guns are for killing. The real problem is that these people that do this are not cared for. The solution is in recognizing they have a sickness that our society does not recognize, accept, or treat. In the end, to stop this we need to fix the human part of it, gun control laws are really only a "duct tape and baling wire" fix to a bigger problem of mental health issues that we are stubbornly refusing to acknowledge again and again and again and again. Ignoring the problem won't ever make it go away. Ever.

How many more times does this need to happen?